
One Piece Manga Chapter 905+/The Reverie Arc Theory[SPOILERS]

Hey guys how are are you all doing ? Its me Hritwik Raj , once again I am here to have a serious😑 discussion so you fans should better pay attention...... just kidding lets have a friendly discussion  about the future manga chapters of One Piece as well as the "Reverie Arc".

                                                       For those of who don't remember about Reverie or may have missed the episode of One piece in which the whole Reverie thing was introduced shouldn't worry -

The Reverie (literally translated as "World Council") is a council formed by the World Government which consists of the world's greatest leaders of various kingdoms. Meetings are held every four years at Mariejois and kings or queens gather to discuss matters that could affect the world.

The List of people participating in the reverie this year are:-

The people assisting them will are:-

Now keeping the question that what is reverie and who are the people participating in it aside , lets have a discussion about the latest manga chapters and some theory about the upcoming chapters.
So, at current we already know that Luffy has became the most notorious pirate of his generation , with morgan's bluff he also got the title of The Fifth Emperor.Well Morgan may have lied few things but Luffy is worthy of being an Emperor , but not as an Individual . You can agree with his title if you include his massive list of supporters and his grand fleet. The other interesting thing we get to see was the appearance of commanders of the revolutionary army . 

      So, with all the commanders gathered together the revolutionary army is planning to attack the Reverie, attacking the reverie will give a big leverage to the revolutionary army over the leaders of world government. Well whatever Monkey D. Dragon and other revolutionaries are planning will not take long as the Reverie Arc will be a short one according to Oda . 

In Jump Festa 2018 Eiichiro Oda revealed some insight about the future chapters of One Piece , according to him the manga will see wano sooner than later (which reveals that the Reverie Arc will be a shorter one).The Other thing which he revealed was about the next villain in the Series , he said that the next villain the Straw Hats will be facing is a legend in the One Piece Series and he is the greatest enemy of straw hats up till now, the battle of marine ford also know as the war of the best is nothing near this upcoming battle . So , was he talking about the Wano Arc or is there anything else Oda has came up with . 

Well here is what I think , the world leaders will be discussing about Luffy for sure , Dragon and other revolutionaries will be attacking the summit and in this battle we may get to know about the secret weapon that Doflamingo was talking about . Luffy will head towards Wano to unite with his crew . Luffy may be facing some foes before he reaches Wano and I don't know I should state this or not but I think there is a chance that Luffy will be involved in the Reverie .Try to remember after the events of Enies Lobby Dragon mentioned about Luffy that we will be meeting soon . The Reverie Arc may be the arc in which Luffy may finally meet his infamous father . There are more things that hints us about this fateful meeting of father and son , which I will discuss in the next article.

Check out our other article on One Piece:-


If you guys have a theory about One Piece Future Chapters or anything interesting about One Piece or other anime then Contact us (Click Here) . We will post your theory will proper credits and also we will have a discussion on your theory. Peace Out !

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