
Just Because! Episode-5 "Rolling Stones" Review

How does one really really get attached to a virtual world reality? By interacting with its side characters and establishing a relationship with them even if it is temporary. The episode five does just that and that too in a great believable way.


Yes Eita can speak as well which you all must have noticed at the end of the episode fourth.This one starts with the him lying on his bed and pondering over the night's incident.
                                       Thinking that his burst of emotions in front of Mio might have revealed his feelings towards her. And as the first day of school starts after new year vacations he had no intention of getting out of his bed.This episode was actually important for Eita and a much needed push was required since he was not getting all that attention and is not a very strong protagonist character wise.

                                           Coming back, amidst the night's incident Eita did felt out of place now  as he had no idea how to face Mio anymore and so  was feeling lonely and maybe that's the reason he decided to wear his old school's uniform to the present one.


We all feel bad for Haruto don't we? He's such a good lad but that is not how things work. The good guys don't really get the good girls easily. Although the reasons why Hazuki rejected  him are logical and believable which I'll get to later but that doesn't stop me from feeling sorry for poor Haruto.
                                 In school Haruto avoids Hazuki as much as possible and tries to hang out with his two friends one of which called Junpei chan had college entrance exams the other day so they couldn't really spend time after school which was needed for Haruto since he was broken and lonely.

Eita & Haruto.

The best part of this episode was Eita and Haruto hanging out together since both were feeling low and needed to support each other and what other way to do that than baseball?  Haruto's future boss had invited him over to play baseball with them and Eita too came along.

                                                          It was good seeing that Haruto was gonna have a happy work atmosphere after he starts working in the factory  and it does cheer him up as well. This episode's biggest praise would be how everyone is given importance as if they are all connected to one another and their presence and absence would effect the course of story throughout.

Also Haruto bonding with his mom at one point of this episode is very satisfying since in the end its the family that matters and no on else.Also there's something to notice  that Haruto's mother at one point said about being a parent which led me to think that the series might even contain episode where Haruto and others  does become parents. Well that is just my prediction. But overall it was good to see how everyone and everything is connected or related which does immerse me even more.

Mio & Hazuki.

Mio realized she was too hard on Eita and she should apologize to him for the last night's incident.
Hazuki was guilty too about how she rejected Soma san abruptly. But its interesting to see her stick to her decision and not feel ashamed of herself because obviously she and Haruto didn't really knew each other well and it was too early for them to date each other,also she was moving away after school ends and so I really appreciate her decision.Moreover this episode see her bonding with Mio as well as they hang out together to talk about Haruto and its Mio who advices Hazuki to go talk to him and clear everything so that their friendship doesn't get ruined.

On the other hand Mio hangs around the entire school hour with her two friends who even wished her for her upcoming entrance exams and made her realize that the exam was not really an excuse but actually very important to her and her career.Also she got the courage to go talk to  Eita in the end and clear things out and at the same time Hazuki texted Haruto to come meet her the next day.
I wonder how things are gonna work out.

It was shocking to see that Komiya was noticeably absent from the entire episode and this was hurting since this episode lacked a colorful taste because of this very reason.

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