
Black Clover Episode 1: "Asta and Yuno" Review

The Famous Manga Series from Weekly Shonen Jump "Black Clover" TV Anime adaptation first episode was premiered by pierrot on October 3rd . And with that I'm here with a spoiler free review of Black Clover Episode 1: "Asta and Yuno" . 

  • Not Able to decide whether to dig in the series or not ? 

- This is a spoiler free review which will enlighten you with the various aspects and segments of the series which will make it easier to decide whether to watch or not .

Black Clover Cast/Visuals and Other Details-YŪKI TABATA'S BLACK CLOVER ANIME DETAILS

The Story Follows :-


Asta and Yuno were abandoned together at the same church and have been inseparable since. As children, they promised that they would compete against each other to see who would become the next Emperor Magus. However, as they grew up, some differences between them became plain. Yuno was a genius with magic, with amazing power and control, while Asta could not use magic at all, and tried to make up for his lack by training physically. When they received their Grimoires at age 15, Yuno got a spectacular book with a four-leaf clover (most people receive a three-leaf-clover), while Asta received nothing at all. However, when Yuno was threatened, the truth about Asta's power was revealed, he received a five-leaf clover Grimoire, a "black clover"! Now the two frieands are heading out in the world, both seeking the same goal!

The Review 


Is it Naruto with a different setting ? Are Asta and Yuno mage version of Naruto and Sasuke ? So , these are the few example questions which should arise in your mind after watching Black Clover episode 1 . Black Clover follows the story of two Young Magus Asta and Yuno having the same goal , to be the strongest mage , to become the "Emperor Magus" .(New to the Series ? No problem read the summary at the top or continue reading) . Black Clover already had an OVA which was bundled with the 11th volume of Manga , released on Nov 27 , 2016 . The TV anime's first episode is a re-defined version of the OVA with better Animation and Story Similar to the Manga . Black Clover can be said a combined result of Fairy Tail , Magi and Naruto . 


As mentioned earlier Black Clover main protagonists are quite similar to Naruto and Sasuke in some aspects though set in a different Settings . Asta is a lousy,short,immature,obnoxious, kid who works hard to achieve his goal, while Yuno is a born Genius . In Black Clover episode 1 we didn't get to know about the other main and supporting character/'s , other than Asta and Yuno . Until they are introduced talking about them is just going to spoil the fun , and as for Asta and Yuno they absolutely have a strong character .

Voice Acting

The Voice Acting has some major flaws , Asta's  voice never goes down from a full on Screech . Though other characters are voiced pretty good , Asta's voice will make your ears bleed . The Anime fans have already started to dislike Asta's voice , the response can be seen in twitter . Meanwhile I don't think Asta's voice is a torture to hear . Asta's character is going mature throughout the series and with that I think his annoyance level will come down . 


Black Clover animation is unbeatable , its highly detailed , the scenery and environment animation is beautiful , the characters animations is great , though there was a glitch in first episode were Asta's Feet was missing . 

But such minor glitches are almost invisible due to the rest animation . Overall the animation is a strong segment of Black Clover . 


I will not go in-depth about Black Clover's Episode 1 , because its a great series and I don't want to spoil the fun . 
                                                  If you are a shonen fan then this one's for you .Black Clover is a must watch series ,despite Asta's annoying voice; the story , theme , characters , animation are the aspects which pushes the series to higher level in Shonen Anime's list . 

Watch Black Clover TV Anime Online For Free - Crunchyroll

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