
Fate/Apocrypha Episode 1 In Depth Review

A New Summer with a New Fate Series , i couldn't ask for more . We have Entered the month of July and with that a new summer season , which means a lot of new Anime to watch . Anime like Fate/Apocrypha , Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu and few more were in top trending lists. On July 2nd the first Episode of Fate/Apocrypha aired . So, i am here with the Review of the First Episode .

                                           The Future 


                                                    The First Episode starts with the scene Featuring our two Main Characters Ruler and Sieg. It seemed that Ruler was Awakening Sieg from some sort of slumber . After that we got to see a Future Battle between the two teams . The Black and the Red team in that fight there were many reveals such as we got to see the two saber classes one of each team and a fight between Ruler and A Huge Monster , the clash between them was a true scene to behold . It was amazing , the Art and Graphics level were top notch . You can say by seeing the first episode that the animation of the series is a plus point . Secondly in the future battle we also got to see the Forms of Enemy we will get to see in Future episodes , in the Battle there were Golem Riders , Huge Monsters(Huge Golem) , the Servants., Magi and few others . This battle was something new , because in the whole series we have never seen a Full Scale Battle Between two groups. 

                             Back To Present: The Red Team

After the full scale battle scene we were back to the present time , in this parallel world the magic is not something people hide because the first scene included some mage academy students and professors which means there are many students who openly study the Art of Magic because by seeing the future battle at the start of episode 1 you can say that both the groups were huge(i mean there were tons of mages everywhere fighting each other). So, discussing the scene ,   when we were back to present we saw a huge guy with specs walking in a corridor . He was looking for the office of the head of Summoning , Rocco Belfaban. He had a great timing as he stumbled infront of a mage student , he asked about the professor and the Student showed him the way to the professors roon . On their way to the professors room we got to know the name of the guy , His Name was Sisigo . After arriving at the doors of the professor both Sisigo and the student parted their ways . After Entering the Room Sisigo(we got to know that sisigo was actually a nechromancer) and the professor Rocco talked about the Fuyuki's Holy Grail War and how the system collapsed long time ago. Rocco tells Sisigo about the incident of the 3rd Holy Grail War in which a Master called in the German Army to Seize the great grail , an indispensable cornerstone of the Ceremony. During the 3rd Grail wars the germans were researching the Arcane artifacts and magic to get an upper edge in fight. But the army was tricked by the master , the Grail got stolen in transit and Disappeared . That was how the Fuyuki's 3rd Great Grail war ended. At the same time the mage student who accompanied Sisigo was talking to another professor on the same topic , and during that topic we got to know something interesting that like Fuyuki's Holy Grail war , in the present time there were Pseudo grail wars going all around the World. The professor also mentions that Sisigo was not here to take part in the Pseudo Holy Grail War. Rocco tells Sisigo that after decades of silence the Yggdmillennia, a family of magi, openly declares their secession from the Mage's Association, and that they are in possession of the Grail. The Association dispatched fifty magi to retrieve it, and all but one are instantly slaughtered by a mysterious Servant. At the same time the other professor tell the student mage(or assistant , his and the other professor's identity was not revealed in the First Episode.)Yggdmillennia Family are forming their own organization comprised of wise and loose alliance of Seperate Crests.He Further Explains that they control multiple magical circuits and each family keeps their own crest. At the Same time professor Rocco tell Sisigo about the current situation they were facing (which also included that the Yggdmillennia Family had already infiltrated the Clock Tower - The Mage Association).After that Rocco finally discloses the reason why Sisigo was called . Rocco ask's Sisigo to join the Holy Grail war ,Rocco continue's to tell Sisigo about the , Rules and the Overview of the Holy Grail War which was also pronounced as the Great Holy Grail War By the Yggdmillennia Family , he tells him that in this war instead of 7 members there would be 14 members taking part 7 from each side (7 masters from red and 7 masters from black). And the winning team would fight its own Holy Grail War to get a single winner. Sisigo ask's two question from Rocco :

  • To Summon a Servant a catalyst is needed , so does he has such catalyst ?
Rocco shows him a fragment of the Round Table from the Arthurian Myth, he tells Sisigo that it can be used to call ancient heroes like King Arthur , Lancelot,Gawain or Tristan  .
  • His Second question to Rocco was about the other participants ?
Sisigo's Second question was answered and with  that we got the names of all the red team Participants of the Holy Grail War :

  1. First Class Clock Tower Instructor Feend Vor Sembren.
  2. Freelance Magus Rottweil Berzinsky.
  3. The Pentel Brothers
  4. Gene Rum
  5.  Sisigo 
  6. A Church Supervisor Shiro.
After few minutes to think  and a small dead creature's Specimen as a gift from the Professor, Sisigo Accepts to be a part of the Grail War.

                                   The Black Team

The Last part of the first episode introduced us with the Black Team . The main antoganist darnic and his servant Avicebron(a Caster Class). Darnic tells casters that the It was Prophecized by the Clock Tower that his bloodline would Die Off, and as a result of that he left the Mage Association. As continues to tell caster that he joined the Fuyuki's Holy Grail War to gain Power . Darnic prepared for 60 years in the city of Trifas for the next war . Avicebron is a master of golem arts but to create  a Golem army he needed tons of Mana or Magic Energy , that was provided by the homunculus prepared by Darnic . During the scene we got to see a room full of homunculus and withing that Sieg was one of them .Darnic saved his Mana for Avicebron's Noble Fantasm . According to me Darnic is a cleaver guy with patience , we all know that patience is virtue . He prepared for 60 years but he tells Avicebron that he can still not consider his win in this war , although he also mentions that he and his companions are prepared at best. A student arrives at the moment and tells both of them that the preparations for the Ceremony are complete , Darnic and Avicebrons then make their way to the ceremonial place, on their way to the Ceremony the student responds to the caster as his professor and tells him that the preparations are over , but casters mentions that the main incredient of preparing a golem is its core , and with the core he refer a working human heart . A golem requires a living heart to drive it . It needs a creature with suitable magical circuit to serve as its core and with that Avicebron's Noble Phantasm Golem Keter Malkuth will be complete. And that was the reason that Avicebron was researching on Homunculi's , so that he can find a suitable core . Avicebron Interprets that his dream is the original Giant of the Legend of his people . He doesn't had any interest in the Grail his only dream was to complete his noble fantasm. Almost at the end of episode we got to see Kotomine Shirou the priest from the red  team as he and his servant talk to each other about the war , that it will soon begin (Shirou got the news that the red team has gathered the last master i.e Sisigo). In the end of episode Sisigo summons his servant with the ancient relic at the same time the black team masters summon their servants at the ceremonial place .
While Sisigo servent was non other than a true heir of Arthur Pendragon : Mordred . 

                                                                                   Overall the Animation and Art is Great . We have Famous Voice actors and Actress who are too good in their work . A nice going strory , as this Fate series is going to be different from others instead of 7 we have 14 masters and a full scale war , this series is going to be totally amazing . 

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