
FIVE Reasons why Mass effect Andromeda is gonna be a disappointment.

By-Shreyansh Katsura

Since its e3 2014 reveal,Ea/Bioware has shown and talked very little about their most ambitious title till date-Mass effect Andromeda..The game is out March 21st 2017 and just a month before launch, gamers barely know what they are getting their hands into.

Here are top five reasons why I personally believe Mass effect Andromeda is gonna be a disappointing game overall and not live upto the standard set up by its predecessors.

1.Using the term"Exploration based" is misleading.

If you guys played Dragon age Inquisition,You would recall that there were vast open lands with absoultely nothing to do except some fetch quests.The way Bioware has been talking about Andromeda,It seems the same as their are many planets to explore and by that it means  nothing much to do except roaming the wilderness for metals and crafting elements or some simple combat scenarios.

2.Fetch quests.

If you noticed,Of all the little gameplay footage Bioware has shown till now is all about fetch quests.It seems troublesome since Andromeda is clearly inspired by Dragon age Inquisition whose world was filled with numerous amount of simple fetch kill quests.

3.Performance Issues.

Previews have come and those who got to play the pre-released version have experienced jarring framerate  drops and texture pop up issues.Just a month before release and the game gone gold,this doesn't seem to be the issue that is going to be fixed anytime soon.Another broken game bieng shipped this generation? Well not a surprise.As usual a day one patch is on the way.

4.Terrible facial animations.

With the power of frostbite 3 engine,Bioware has surely managed to make the environment look breathtaking but the facial expressions and animations of almost all the characters look like last generation.This is not a major problem though some users would prefer better sex scenes on their shiny consoles and high end PCs. 

5.Same old story.

Bioware has refused to talk about the game's main plot except the fact that the ryder family and their crews are searching for a new home for humanity..It seems to me a typical Bioware storyline just like of Dragon age series where you go get help from various factions and fight off the apocalypse in the end..Totally tired of this actually.Please Bioware find a new quest and scripwriter for your company.

The game launches next month.Hopefully all my opinions be wrong and the game do turns out to be good.Not much long until we do find out though.For more news regarding Mass effect Andromeda and other upcoming games,do stick to our page.


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